Connevans-Phonak - a Connevans Limited website
If you are looking to buy Signia Hearing aid batteries you have arrived at the the right place! We have a wide range for you to choose from as well as single and bulk packs. If you have any questions before you purchase please contact us
Your hearing aid needs batteries which are reliable, safe, versatile and extremely powerful!
Try Signia today.
- Signia hearing aid batteries are high quality with long life, even in powerful instruments.
- Signia batteries provide long running times at a constant voltage level and thus contribute to an optimum hearing aid performance.
- Signia batteries are reliable and safe due to triple sealed high quality material e. g. stainless steel.
- Signia batteries are environmentally friendly as they are 100% mercury free.
You need packaging which is easy to handle and keeps your batteries safe. Signia battery packaging meets all your needs.
Box of sixty BLUE 675 size - Signia mercury free Zinc Air...
Box of sixty ORANGE 13 size - Signia mercury free Zinc Air...
Box of sixty BROWN 312 size - Signia mercury free Zinc Air...
Box of sixty YELLOW 10 size - Signia mercury free Zinc Air...
Rechargeable nickel metal hydride Powerone size P312 ACCUplus...
Rechargeable nickel metal hydride Powerone size P13 ACCUplus...